УВАГА! Ми звяжемось з вами тільки у разі наявності транспорту, це зараз проблема і ми її вирішуємо.

Are you ready to receive a delivery?


First of all, thanks a lot for even getting this form. No matter if you would like to proceed or not - we appreciate the fact that you're looking for ways how to help!

There are a lot of requests for variety of items Ukrainians need to survive the war. We're collecting and buying all of these things from around the world and we need people who can get the delivery and then hand it to our drivers who will bring it to the border. If you're ready to help, please, fill out the form below.

Before we order something, we will always contact you first to ensure it's still relevant.

Your data won't be shared publicly and only a small group of all volunteers will be able to see it.
Ви успішно виконали свій запит.
Незабаром з вами зв’яжеться один із наших перевірених членів команди, який розповість вам про подальші кроки.

You have successfully completed the form. You will be contacted shortly by one of our vetted team members who will walk you through the next steps
Упс! Щось не так. Спробуйте Ще